Modern Events Calendar Pro - v6.5.0

Modern Events Calendar Pro
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Download Modern Events Calendar Pro Version 6.5.0
Exact Same Files and 100% Original From Themeforest.

Modern Events Calendar has been designed in a way that event planners manage the events in different businesses such as education, restaurants, communities, etc. And easily Sell tickets, earn revenue & grow your business.

Event Display Layouts

Modern Events Calendar has the most stylish and practical design among all other WordPress event calendars. It’s been created using modern design methods. If you ever wanted to add event scheduling to your website, MEC plugin has more than 50 layouts with different skins and its beautiful layouts are in an effective combination both in design and functionality.

Front-end Event Submission

You can let your users submit their own suggested events. Also, they can submit their events with all necessary details, and event planners can manage them easily.

Front-end event submission

Ticketing and Invoice