YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium - v3.4.0

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium
38 Ratings
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Official page: https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-wishlist/
Download YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium Version 3.4.0
Exact Same Files and 100% Original From Themeforest.

What the plugin does Allow your customers to create lists of products they want and share them with family and friends.

How you can benefit from it:

  • You will have the possibility to analyze your customers’ interests and the most popular products in the wishlists;
  • You will increase conversions by sending users promotional emails and targeted discounts based on the contents of their wishlists;
  • You will be able to boost your sales by allowing customers to share their wishlists with friends and relatives;
  • You will allow your customers to keep track of the products they are interested in and to monitor prices, availability, etc.